
SetDesignMode, SetNetronicDesignMode, GetDesignMode

GetDesignMode, SetDesignMode


Stack Position Description
Stack(In) Top a COM object or the COM manager
Stack(Out) Top 0 or 1


Stack Position Description
Stack(In) Top a COM object or the COM manager
top one 0 or 1
Stack(Out) Top -

ClassiX® behaves towards COM objects (especially controls) either as development (design) or runtime environment. In case of conventional use of components, this corresponds to the development in a development environment such as Microsoft Visual C++ and the later execution of the *.exe on any system.

From the component's point of view, this distinction is particularly important from a licensing perspective: For example, special (higher-value and more expensive) licensing is required to create an application that uses it. Using the component with the finished application, on the other hand, requires either no license at all or a lower license.

Since ClassiX® is generally both a development tool and runtime environment due to its architecture, the licensing of a control must be artificially switched for different uses.
This is what these functions are for.

If they are called up on the COM manager ( GetManager(COM) ) is executed, the selected (or requested) mode is valid for all future calls of CreateControl. When executed on a control widget, the status of this widget is queried or changed.
If several controls are operated in parallel, one part can be in design mode and the rest in runtime mode. The global setting in the COM manager also allows you to satisfy controls that must already be in design mode at creation time (call of CreateControl) in order to be correctly addressable.